Did you know that in a normal workout, you only utilize approximately 30% of your muscle's capacity? What if I told you there was a way to work ~90% of your muscle's capacity, burn ~1,000 calories, sweat a little & still feel accomplished and amazing in just 20 minutes?
"Whhhaaaaatttttt?!", you must be thinking. Yes, you read that right. It sounds like cheating, but you are not! I'm not saying that you don't work hard during regular workouts (because hell ya you do)!! But if you can work harder for a short period of time, feel just as accomplished, & work even more of your muscles...
I 👏am 👏here 👏for 👏it.
I 👏am 👏here 👏for 👏it.
Let me introduce you to EMS Training,
available at GoGo Muscle Training located here in Yorkville, Toronto.
EMS, stands for Electrical Muscle Stimulation, and it's a newer form of fitness with results that is bound to 'shock' you (*szz zzz* that's the sound of electricity buzzing, not the sound of me sleeping btw lol). The best thing about EMS training is that this form of fitness is good for you even if you're injured! I've been going through a pretty bad low-back injury, so I haven't been able to keep up with my typical gym regime (5-6 times a week of HIIT workouts like boxing and tabata). So to be real with you, I've been in a little slump this past month due to not being able to workout.
Hearing all this, I was honestly in shock because this all sounds too good to be true! I've put together a list of frequently asked questions people have regarding EMS training, and the manager at GoGo Muscle Training has kindly addressed each of them below!
What exactly is EMS Training?
EMS training is a workout where one wears a cool suit (see above) that is equipped with electrodes. These electrodes deliver electrical impulses to the skin surface above the muscles & cause them to contract harder than a regular contraction.
During traditional workout, the brain is responsible for sending signals to the muscles to contract. However, not all muscles have a well-developed connection to the brain and as such, these muscles aren't activated easily. EMS helps solve this problem. EMS can also target certain muscle groups.
What are the benefits of EMS?
• First and foremost, it helps you increase your muscle mass. In turn, it'll increase your resting metabolism rate and subsequently, decrease body fat.
• It's the most efficient workout you could possibly do - 20 minutes & 300 muscles activated.
• EMS is very beneficial for injuries. The workout is low impact and puts no strains on the joints. (<-- One of the main reasons I am so, so excited to be working with GoGo Muscle this month as I recover from my back injury!)
• Because EMS can target specific muscle groups, you can easily fire up weaker muscles and make them work harder.
Does this electrocute you? Is it safe?
This is probably the most common question I've gotten on Instagram DMs. It is 100% safe and it is completely painless.
How does it feel?
As mentioned, it's painless but it's not a walk in the park. When the suit is on, you will feel quick, fast pulses in the muscle areas. It creates an intense resistance and mimics lifting weights or pushing a heavy object in the water.
What should I expect at my first session at GoGo Muscle Training?
First of all, you don't have to bring anything except your running shoes (actually, some people don't even wear shoes). You'll be provided with a cotton suit that works the best with the electrodes - and don't you worry, they have suits that fit any body size!
While you change, GoGo will get spray each electrode with warm water to make them conductive. Once they strap you in and you're ready to go, you'll get calibrated in order to figure out the intensity of pulses for each muscle group, As everyone's body composition and tolerance is different.
After that, you will start your workout with your personal instructor who will guide you through all your moves. GoGo uses an interval training method, where you work for 6 seconds (while receiving the impulses) and you'll have 4 seconds to rest. Don't underestimate this LOL it's actually extremely difficult doing these low impact moves with the pulses. This goes on for 20 minutes, and then you are done!!
Also - my friend, Keltie O'Conner, actually put together a great video on what to expect at GoGo! Check it out here.
Is this a one stop solution in order to get fit?
The short answer is no. The longer answer is also a no, but EMS training is a huge step towards something if you don't want to do anything lol! In order to truly increase muscle mass and decrease body fat, it is recommended to do 3 sessions a week and eat clean while you're at it. A lot of protein is recommended as you are trying to build more muscle mass. EMS training definitely helps you reach those goals faster, as you are working your muscles at a higher capacity.
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TLDR? EMS Training is a workout where you wear a suit that delivers electrical impulses to your muscles and causes them to contract harder & deeper than a regular contraction. My fave example of how I explain this to someone is, "imagine doing 1 squat, but your muscles actually contract as if you've done 50 squats." ...Yeah, it's cool.
Will EMS literally electrocute you? No. Leave you surprised at how hard your muscles worked in those 20 minutes? Most definitely.
I hope the above was useful in helping you gain an understanding of what EMS training is. I cannot wait to start my one month journey with GoGo Muscle Training as I recover from a back injury! I'll be sharing one more post with my personal thoughts and transformation once my month is complete and I can give a better review of this workout! Stay tuned & happy working out! Xx.
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If you would like the chance to win 3 sessions for yourself at GoGo Muscle Training, visit my Instagram post here and enter!