December 31st is the one day I sit and reflect on my past year.
And my favorite thing about having this blog is that I can document it (so I'll remember).
Here are a couple of my big moments,
and some of my small yet significant moments
of 2013
Starting with the biggest moment of 2013:
I finished my undergrad! I can't believe I'm at the point in life where I am no longer a student.
Cheers to that!!
My 2nd biggest moment of 2013:
I found my dream job, and will be officially starting my full-time career here in January!
And my last big moment of 2013:
Receiving my first letter from my sponsored child in Kenya.
In April of this year, the little voice in my head was urging me to sponsor a child so I decided to listen to it.
Everyone, meet Linet! :)
I can't wait to watch her grow and help her in any way I can.
All I want is to share with her at least a fraction of the fortunate life I have.
And now, the rest of my little moments in 2013:
In August, I had the chance to visit Disneyland and relive my childhood memories!
I finally got to see Taylor Swift, one of my favorite singers, live (and this was my first concert ever!)
I made frosting successfully for the first time!
I finally got a new laptop after 5 years!
Being front row for AvB and being on the jumbotron :) oh and having Armin smile at me and copy my little happy dance, nbd.
As a pre-graduation present to ourselves, we went to Vegas! (best time)

I actually went out and dressed up for Halloween lol I haven't done dressed up since I was probably 7 years old! (not a fan of this day)
Meet the 3 most important people in my life: my family :)
And yes, I convocated :)
First and last Homecoming as a Laurier student! I'll be an Alumni from now on :o
Going to my first Raptors game with the fam! So happy my parents enjoyed it :)
I had the opportunity to attend the launch party for Grey Goose Cherry Noir
Seeing SHM in Toronto! *insert emoji*
That time I jumped off a plane 15,000ft above ground...yeah. Skydiving in Las Vegas :D
I made sweet potato gnocchi from scratch, and it was actually super delicious! (I'm not a good cook lol)
Ending off my Laurier career with one last amazing summer!
Surviving #darkTO and the crazy ice storm!
Plus many more that photos never captured :)
And last but not least, my foodie adventures - aka what 80% of my blog posts are.
I cannot wait to be back downtown so I can continue to try new things (and food)! :D
And the end-of-the-year quote that I always tell myself:
2013 was an amazing year that was full of many milestones and surprises (good ones), and I am really thankful for everyone who was part of my life.
So 2014, you have a lot to live up to!
Have a wonderful New Years celebration, and be safe everyone!
Cheers to the end of 2013 *clink clink*