{ kng-xo }
{ listening to my sissy sing live for the first time @ TC'2013 #amazing }

{ St. Paddy's gear }

{ found a 4lb puppy for $0.50 while doing an inventory check at work.. what }
{ best presents my daddio could have gotten me from London, UK! #noms }

{ cheers! @ Bloke & 4th }

{ taking a break from a late night at work to watch the Leafs win.. What. @ Real Sports Bar }

{ 1/21 .... This is a scam. }

{ morning routine: coffee & muffin deal from Marché }

{ playing around in the Princess castle in the Disney store }
{ dinner with the fam, a 9lb Roast Prime Rib made by Mama and Papa Ng :) }

{ shameless selfie heh }
{ I hate Mcds but happy meals are always an exception }
{ Toronto at 5:30am .. On my way to work }
{ my coworker told me that I looked like a walking Canadian flag.. LOL I guess I do. }

{ Brick Street Bakery! Found a French bakery in the PATH! }

{ the day I decided to buy cupcakes and eat it in the middle of Union station }
{ Verse of the Month: Hebrews 6:19 }

{ Shiseido make over }

{ the day I knew the good weather was too good to be true }
{ visiting Target for the first time since it opened in Canada :) happy moment }
{ car washes can easily make my list of top 10 fave things to do }
{ G.I. Joe movie date, with K! Channing Tatum was so hot for the 10 minutes he was in it.. But it was a great movie stills }

{ V et moi taking silly selfies.. typs }
{ the time Tim Neufeld from Starfield came to lead Sunday worship }
{ ending this post with an Easter joke :) }