The most applicable mug I've seen at Chapters!
Stella is always there for me when I need to de-stress (I sound like an alcoholic...)
MDD's Global Junior Training dinner at the CN Tower!
View of Toronto from the CN Tower!
My essentials when I go anywhere
Steak et frites (and hockey)
Not pictured: me wearing a Leafs shirt (who am I)
Swiss Chalet craving satisfied!!

I got Taylor Swift FLOOR tickets!!!!! Countdown starts now for her concert in October 2015.
MDD's Annual SFL event at Real Sports!
Christmas cookies, omnomnom
I finally got new glasses 8)
& last but not least...
The past year has been a whirlwind in terms of progressing in my career. I worked/studied my bum off and it finally paid off :) I PASSED!!! Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way and believed in me when I didn't have enough confidence in myself. AHH - it still feels surreal. I can't believe I'm done!
November has been one of the busiest months this fall, in terms of work. Hence, the lack of adventures around town! However, I still had a lot of fun and cannot believe this year is almost over. 1 more month left - must finish it off strong!