As this is my first post of the year, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
And now to do a little walk down memory lane for the past year :)
And now to do a little walk down memory lane for the past year :)
I started off the year with learning how to snowboard (aka roll down a hill) at Blue Mountain.
And then decided to upgrade my weekend getaways and visited New York City!
And then decided to upgrade my weekend getaways and visited New York City!
In New York, I got a chance to dine at Le Bernadin, my first experience at a Michelin three star restaurant.

And then I had the best post-exam-good-luck-you-can-do-it present from my parentals this summer :) from Bangkok to Seoul to Hong Kong!!
In Thailand, I rode a cute baby elephant (that is still bigger than me lol).
This year, I learned to appreciate something amazing called brunch.
As well as my little sister, as she left home to go to university :(
...and last, but definitely not least, the most important event of 2014:
I passed all three of my professional exams this year. Woohoo!
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Wow. This was a good way to go through the year to remember what I actually did. I am really surprised at how many things I forgot as I was going through my memory for 2014 by month (like how I went to New York City for a weekend...). The only thing I remembered I did this year was study for my exams lol how sad. BUT, now I passed so no more of that in 2015 :) yayayayy!