Tuesday, May 28, 2013 / Las Vegas, NV, USA

» Wicked Spoon @ the Cosmopolitan

One cannot simply go to Vegas and not eat at a buffet.
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After tanning, we were starving.
So why not take advantage of our hunger and go to a buffet?

Even though every single hotel on the strip has their own buffet... Wicked Spoon was recommended by all my friends, so I decided to check it out and it did not disappoint.
Where we sat :) so pretty!
Yes.. Those are wheels of cheese LOL a mini cheese bar.
They had about 30 different food bars like this.
But now onto the food...
Yes, that is 1 piece of pineapple LOL and no, that is not all that I ate.
If you know me, you'd know how much I eat.
There was no possible way I would take a picture of every single thing I ate.
But I think it is safe to say that I tried 90% of everything that this buffet had to offer :9
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Time for dessert! What did I love most?
Of course it's the gelato selection!
And this...
A little sample of what I had for dessert (plus more).
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It is a complete understatement to say that this buffet was amazing.
You would think that buffets mean that their food would be lower quality because it is mass produced. 
Everything was of superb quality and it was hard to not go for seconds (I didn't want to because I wanted to try everything that they had to offer).
If I came back to Vegas, I would definitely come visit this buffet again. :)
Wicked Spoon on Urbanspoon
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Pre-buffet, we decided to go tanning :)
Me trying to be creative... Clearly not successful. Hehe
We went to Wet Republic at the MGM.
Beautyyy day for a day of tanning :)


Monday, May 27, 2013

» photo diary: April edition


I found my panda twins in the ACC when I was there for a Raptor's game

Teehee selfies

Strawberry season!

Successful curls!!

Perfect morning breakfast: Starbucks + PRET's Chocolate Brownie bar

Morning drives into the sunset omw to work

Morning GO train sunrises

I love M3s.. But why this color?!

Hahah making grocery lists on company paper so it looks like I'm working #exposed

Amaaaazing chocolates my coworker brought in one day! Ah noms

Pre-TorontoUndergroundMarket Volunteering

Excited for Vegas!!

Only me.. LOL @ the Disney Store

Moving back to Waterloo.. :(
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Oh man, I don't even remember half of these photos! It's been way too long haha.
Nothing really big happened in April, besides attending over 5 sports games...haha but they have individual posts already :P
But doing this post made me realize how much I miss work!
Although I love school life and being back at Laurier with all my friends, I miss working Downtown Toronto and being in the office setting.
Is it too soon to say that I'm excited to go back to work?! Haha I'm crazy.

Friday, May 24, 2013 / Las Vegas, NV, USA

» Jean-Philippe Pâtisserie

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We were in the Aria and walked past this chocolate waterfall beauty.. How could you say no to this?
Everything in this little cafe next to the casino felt welcoming.
The smell of brewing coffee and colorful dessert display was something we could not pass up.
So as a little post-tanning stop, we decided to grab some gelato from this beautiful selection. 
L got pistachio, while I got Tiramisu and my all-time favorite, Stracciatella.
It was so good! I think the gelato was made exceptionally well and I might even say that it was almost at par with what I had in Italy :)
So happy!
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We also decided to get coffee to go.
I obviously got my go-to: Americano :)
Very good Americano! It was really rich and just what I needed.
Jean-Philippe Patisserie on Urbanspoon
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After our coffees, we decided to gamble a bit.
Did we win? Yes.
But was it more than what we had started with? No.
LOL but it was fun while it lasted :)
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I literally just realized this morning that May was coming to an end.. Where did time go?!
I haven't even done my April photo diary so that will be posted up next. :)

TGIF and have a great weekend everyone!! Xo

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

» Steve Angello @ XS Las Vegas

Front row for Steve Angello <3
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Heading to XS seemed natural when I found out Steve Angello would be spinning there the weekend I was going to be in Vegas.
Pre-purchasing our tickets seemed like the smartest decision I made until my promoter told me he would have gotten us in for free.
Tips for the ladies: If you ever go to Vegas, do not buy anything in advance. Chances are, you'll get into all clubs for free and also get free drinks :)
Us at the outer part of XS.
Gorrrrgeous venue.
I have concluded that all the clubs at the Wynn/Encore are beautiful.
Below are some pictures (not mine) of the club since I didn't take any.
Beautiful outside.
Gorrrgeous inside.
And in the summer, NightSwim happens.
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We walked around for a bit and then found ourselves front row of the main area.
We stayed there until Angello came on and then stayed there for a good 3 hours. SO amazing.
If we didn't need to escape some creepers that were annoying us, we would've stayed until the club closed.
He was so good!! AHhh I want to go baaaack.
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Best Friday night out ever.
Until next time, Steve Angello & XS :)

If you want a more 'current' update, follow me on instagram @ karencng!
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