Sunday, November 29, 2015

GIVEAWAY [Closed]: Hoppy Holidays!

What better way to kick off this holiday season (I hope you've already put up your Christmas tree and started on some Christmas shopping!) than to have a night out in town drinking craft beer?

I've partnered up with Drink Inc. to host a giveaway for a pair of tickets so you can also attend this hoppy event! With many craft beers to choose from, you will be able to try them all at the 2nd annual Hoppy Holidays!...A Craftmas Beer Experience on December 8th.

These breweries will be showcasing their popular beers as well as some seasonal and one-off beers, like the Wild Peppermint Stout or the Pumpkin Ale. Interesting pours to say the least, and you'll need to attend this event to be able to try all of them! This is a pay as you go event, where each 4oz sample is only $1. So let's get together and drink :)

Event Info:
Who: Craft Beer + You + 100 others = Goin' up on a Tuesday
Where: Berkeley Church
When: December 8th, 6 to 11 pm
What: You can win a pair of tickets just by entering in below!

I am hosting my giveaway on Instagram,
But to gain extra entries, you may enter below as well.

GOOD LUCK, & see you there!!

- - -
Thank you to everyone who entered into this giveaway to Hoppy Holidays, A Craftmas Beer Experience! Further to the 400 entries, the winner is...

Congratulations Sharon Kong (@ganyio)!

Friday, November 27, 2015 / Toronto, ON, Canada

Hub Sushi

O.m.g. So. Much. Salmon. Sushi. <3_<3
Hub Sushi has become one of my main hubs for having delicious sushi ;)


Wednesday, November 25, 2015 / The Distillery District, Toronto, ON M5A, Canada

Cacao 70

I visited Cacao 70 last Saturday and got chocolate wasted.
Want to get chocolate wasted too? Keep reading.


Monday, November 23, 2015


I've never gone for strictly 'Mediterranean' food before, so this was definitely something different. I've heard many good things about Byblos and their tapa-styled dishes, & now I can say I've tried it! 

Byblos is located on Duncan Street, right off of King Street West. Serving Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, the dishes from Byblos holds both a traditional and modern ways of cooking to present many of the items served here.


Saturday, November 21, 2015

O&B Canteen

Owned by O&B, Canteen is one of their more casual sit down spots in Toronto.
Before heading to see Kinky Boots at Ed Mirvish, we stopped by Canteen for a quick lunch.


Friday, November 20, 2015

Paint Nite!

A fun activity to do in the winter (or anytime really - but since it is indoors, and winter is cold, I say winter) is Paint Nite. Hosted by local bars and restaurants around town, Paint Nite organizes and provides all material for you and your friends to get together to drink, eat, and paint on a canvas. 

Different from Paint Lounge, where you get to paint whatever you feel like painting, you choose your location / time based on the specific painting you want to be taught to paint. 

There is an instructor that helps turn your canvas from this... this! (See below.)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Kintaro Izakaya

On a Thursday, I attended the Kintaro Tasting at Kintaro Izayaka. Kintaro is known for their skewers, and look at how they make them! So many different kinds on their grill getting ready for dinner service - yum yum.

This tasting was filled with so many dishes of Japanese eats!
So let's get started and let's see what I had :)


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lucky Red

As I write up my blog posts, I've noticed that I've been going to a lot of fusion restaurants lately. They're everywhere in Toronto now! I've been wanting to try Lucky Red for a while, so here we are.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Review: Chef's Plate

I love eating out - everyone knows that. Everyone also knows that I don't really like cooking (it's mainly because I'm not that good at it :( I'm slowly learning though hehe). But Chef's Plate makes it easy! Pre-packaged ingredients with an easy to follow recipe is my kind of cooking.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Taste of Iceland: Nov 12-15, 2015

As I'm in the midst of planning my mini getaway to Iceland in the new year, I got the opportunity to get a taste of what Iceland has to offer in the best way possible (see what I did there?). 
Coincidence? I think not!

I know, that dish looks stunning. This is Icelandic Lamb, for all those wondering, and it is only available this weekend during Taste of Iceland!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ninki Japanese Cuisine

Sushi lunches are the best kinds of lunches!


Saturday, November 07, 2015

Han Ba Tang

Tasting great food and delicious cocktails with other foodies = a lovely Sunday evening


Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Adidas #RunMore10K

On November 1st, D & I completed a 10k run in an hour and 4 minutes! Can I get a woot woot?!


Sunday, November 01, 2015

Hiro Sushi

How often do you get to eat sushi prepared freshly from the Chef himself at an authentic Japanese sushi bar during work hours? Not too often, in my books. :) 

I had the opportunity to celebrate a birthday at Hiro at the sushi bar. We had so many pieces of sushi and they were all so delicious that I really didn't have time to keep track of all the kinds of fish I had a chance of trying. But they do say that pictures are worth a thousand words, so enjoy and I hope it makes you drool!!

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