I survived.
- - -
1. Pre-kegger
2. At the kegger
best part of the night: getting that blue Sharpie to match my phone case
3. First bar: Front Row
drunk eyesss
4. Second bar: Chainsaw
Pre-signing up for karaoke (still holding my Sharpie)
5. Third stop: Night School
No Pictures slash don't remember being there slash I'm pretty sure this is where I lost my Sharpie :'(
6. Fourth stop: Fox
Twinsies! (my Sharpie is missing here, sigh)
7. On the way to Turret
Obligatory picture with Wilfs & some fwends
8. Last stop: Turret
- - -
And that was a brief summary of my night :)
For those that are confused.. HFTC is Laurier's MLSB's pubcrawl :)
Anddddd this was my first pubcrawl ever!
It wasn't as fun/amazing as I thought it'd be though.
But...who am I to say that?
It's not like I remember most of the night anyways... Heh