Being the coffee fiend I am, I've been wanting to go try out this place for forever.
So I finally had the chance, and it was a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
So I finally had the chance, and it was a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
Iced Americano (behind)
Iced Vanilla Latte (front)
It's obvious which one is mine right? (Americano, for those that don't know..haha)
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What I love about this place is that it smells heavenly.
And that all their drinks have double shots in them (perfect for me).
When I was there, I had to wait around 10 minutes for my coffee since they make it fresh to order.
And it was well worth the wait.
I think the next time I go back, I'm going to try normal coffee since it's a pour-over/drip-brew. And also one of their little pastries :)
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To check out other restaurants I've tried and loved:
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And just a little photo I found amusing and true:
Everyone needs this reminder every now and then.
— Karen N. (@karencng) July 17, 2013