Wednesday, March 13, 2013

» photo diary: February edition

{ kng-xo }

{ the huge snowstorm.. Yup, the pile of snow is almost as tall as me }

{ beautiful sunshine after the snow day }

{ featured in the National Post! }

 { B3 salad from iQ Foods! I still like the Lima better }

{ Hiro Sushi with the coworkers on a snowy day - amazing sushi! }

{ Chinese New Year show at FMP ... Obviously my mother had VIP tickets.. }

{ fam bonding time! Over ice cream.. Typs. }

{ my Tassimo always saves my life when I have to pull an allnighter }

{ probably the yummiest / cutest lemon sorbet ever! Purchased from Costco }

{ Fam Day potluck :) }

{ curlssss }

{ my view during the morning drive to the GO station... Can't complain }

{ homemade macarons for Valentines! }

{ Grey Goose Cherry Noir Launch Party }

{ Best dish of the month @ Lee }

{ First Raptors game }

{ No words needed. }

This is a super delayed post but my February was filled with so many memorable events! Just doing this post made me happy hehe just to think back on how great Feb was. I can't believe March is already 2/3s over! Ahhh!!! Time is flying. But be excited for March's photo diary :)
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