Wednesday, March 27, 2013 / Toronto, ON, Canada

» Romeo & Juliet National Ballet

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Being a ballerina (lol) when I was younger, I have loved ballet since I was a kid by default.
Romeo & Juliet has always been my favorite Shakespeare play, next to A Midsummer Night's Dream. In my high school days, I've watched the live play at least 3 times. But when I found out that I'd have time this year to watch Romeo & Juliet as a ballet, I just couldn't turn that opportunity down.
This was definitely something I was looking forward to ever since purchasing the tickets 2 months in advance!
Found this little telephone booth set up in the lobby of the Four Seasons :) so perfect, since at that exact time, my dad was in London for a business trip heh
Ready for the ballet to start!!
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Overall, I had an amazing time. It was amazing to just see howwwww great these ballet dancers were!! Juliet was amazing. She had such good form... Like wow, her legs LOL it made me miss dancing! :(
However, I also realized how difficult it would be to follow the ballet (since they don't talk, obviously) if you didn't know the story. I'm just really happy I got to watch this ballet with my beloved mommy!

If you love musicals and dance, I'd definitely recommend you to go see a ballet :)
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