I stumbled across this corner joint on my walk through Davis Square.
Mike's Restaurant seemed pretty busy, and it had a nice patio area with open windows, so we decided to stop in for lunch.
So what happens is, you go up to the cash and order what you would like. And then you find a table to sit at while they prepare your meal. Once it's ready, they'll call your name out.
We chilled with some beers while we waited for food :)
The food was decent. I ordered an alfredo pasta and D got a slice of pizza. I mainly liked the area though. I loved just sitting and watching people walk by.
But Mike's is definitely a very nice place to relax, but that was the only thing going for them.

I agree with many of the other reviews. The employees working there (I only interacted with this 1 lady) was very unapproachable. We were even scared to ask her for water in case she yelled at us!