Wednesday, July 31, 2013

» photo diary: July edition

(delayed post... Posting on September 18, 2013)

studying (n)

New name for the Blonde Roast: True North!
deeeeee-molished waffles and crepes at Demetre

J.P. Arencibia <3

sunsets in Waterloo from my balcony

 Watching the Home Run Derby - Yoenis Céspedes!!

roommate's dinner vs mine LOL

just some gifts for my beloved mother :)

GO Train travels

Sashimi <3


Sunday, July 28, 2013

» My Summer Essential: Smoothies

A perfect remedy to the scorching, sunny weather:
A delicious & easy fruit smoothie
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I used to spend $6 on a smoothie, but then I remembered I owned a Magic Bullet.
Why not save some money and have fun making my own smoothies instead?
So that is exactly what I decided to do.
It is super easy to make and doesn't take a lot of time,
which is perfect for me since I am always on the go.

Prep Time: approx 2.5 minutes
A handful of any fruit (frozen or fresh)
(here, I chose to put in tropical fruits and berries)
1 banana
3/4 cup of orange juice or water
2 table spoons of plain yogurt
Optional: a handful of spinach for its nutritional antioxidants
Some other tips:
You can take fresh fruits and freeze them and use them in smoothies (if they're going to go bad soon) - I do this all the time!
Also, if you do buy frozen fruit, try to make sure there is no sugar added :)

Other than that, just put all your ingredients in and blend away!
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And of course I'd have to make an instavideo of it ;)

Happiness in a cup  by @karencng

Happy Sunday :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

» Never say no to Fish&Chips Fridays

Waterloo had a huge thunderstorm last Friday, which led to trees falling down, streets being flooded, houses being smashed, and of course... A power outage.
What else to do other than go eat?!
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I've never been to Molly Bloom's but my roommate told me that it's decent.
Since it was one of the few places with power, we decided to go there.
YES. Fish and chips Fridays! Perfecto :)

It was a lot better than I thought it would be.
The fish was haddock which I normally don't like as much as I like cod, but it was still good!
Their fries were just how I liked em. Soft, but not too soggy. Noms.

I think I'd actually go back and try their burger.
It looks amazing...
Molly Bloom's Irish Pub on Urbanspoon
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To check out other restaurants I've tried and loved:

Thursday, July 25, 2013

» { currently loving }

Black & Gold & Céline

one day, xo

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

» Never say no to Taco Tuesdays

$2 for 4 beef tacos... How can you say no?
Simple. You don't.
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I absolutely love tacos, yet I have never gone to Ethel's on a Tuesday!
So I figured it was about time to try it out.
Ethel's Lounge is located along King Street and is quite easy to miss.
Not because you can't see it, but because it looks really old and boring on the outside, so you just walk right past it.
It has an "old diner feel" inside, if that makes sense, but a nice patio area next to the parking lot.
I don't think I would ever come here on a normal basis, even though everyone does say their food is good!
But onto the tacos...
I was assuming they would be small tacos but they were actually normal sized!
They do only serve it with minimalistic ingredients though.
Just beef, cheese, and lettuce.
You also get a side with it: salsa, sour cream, or guacamole.
(I chose guacamole of course)
Since it's only $2, I'd say I got my money's worth.

I would definitely come here again.
I just have a soft spot for tacos.. :)
Ethel's Lounge on Urbanspoon
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To check out other restaurants I've tried and loved:

Sunday, July 21, 2013 / Waterloo, ON, Canada


I've always wanted to go to Ribfest in Toronto but I always missed it.
So when I realized I had time to go to the one in Kitchener, there was NO way I was gona say no!
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First things first... I got a Jays cap the other day. And I've been obsessed with it!!
teehee soo happy
(sidenote: I look quite large in the photo, I'm not I promise, and my hair is so short.. Sadness x 2)
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Ladies and gentlemen,
The Downtown Kitchener Ribfest and Craft Beer Show.
They had 6 Ribbers, among a dozen other food vendors, so you can just imagine the amazing smell that flooded Victoria Park in Waterloo.
We were absolutely starving when we got there, so we quickly started eating.
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1. Buttered Corn
Roasted corn drenched in butter, with a generous sprinkle of roasted garlic and pepper ($4)
Verdict: Best corn ever!!! Some of my friends even went back to get seconds.
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2. The Ribs
SO excited to pig out on my ribs! (pun intended)
So glad I ordered a full rack of ribs! ($22)
Just the happiest!
Just a little close up of my delicious ribs... Noms
And for those that know me, no I did not use a fork to eat my ribs.. But yes, I did use copious amounts of paper towels so my fingers did not end up touching the ribs one little bit :)

Verdict: amazing. Although I wasn't 100% full (but when am I ever?), it was really satisfying.
Mine was a little burnt, but the meat just melted right off the bone. SO good.
I was super thirsty afterwards though so I had iced lemonade (so good too!!)
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3. Funnel Cakes
The best rooomie! 
A funnel cake with vanilla ice cream, strawberries and extra icing sugar ($9)
Verdict: where did it go? We literally finished it so fast haha it was absolutely delicious.
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What a great day for my tummy :)
A lot of people say that ribfest is overrated but I would like to disagree.
Everything was delicious and it was a great food day for me, which was the whole point in the first place.
I also had the bestest time with some fun people.
So my stomach is happy from the food and the laughs ;)
Can't wait to go again next year slash... Probably going to go to another one in August/September!! Hehe
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Just a side note: I literally just got back from Ribfest and I had to write up this post.
After looking at all these pictures, I'm hungry again.
What's wrong with me?!

Friday, July 19, 2013

» Breakfast Perspective

I've never been a breakfast person (mainly due to the fact that I wake up in the afternoon on a normal basis) but I've currently been obsessed with these breakfast photos on tumblr.

What would be your ideal view for a beautiful breakfast or brunch?

If I woke up to any of these views, and could have breakfast like this every day..
I might just become a morning person :)
(with a copious amount of coffee)
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